Saturday, 26 June 2010
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Dokument Katka - musite vidiet!
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Saturday, 6 February 2010
Thursday, 4 February 2010
HardBoiled webzine - interview about our book
[Un]titled hardcore photography book - an interview with Roman Laris and Patrycja Gagan
Here's the interview with Roman Laris and Patrycja Gagan who are one of the photographers behind the upcoming [Un]titled book. The album focuses on diy hardcore/punk photography and will be limited to 500 copies only. It should be available this winter. I really like the idea so I thought it's only right to ask the author few questions to give us some more info about the project and the basics of photographing hardcore shows in general.
Here's the interview with Roman Laris and Patrycja Gagan who are one of the photographers behind the upcoming [Un]titled book. The album focuses on diy hardcore/punk photography and will be limited to 500 copies only. It should be available this winter. I really like the idea so I thought it's only right to ask the author few questions to give us some more info about the project and the basics of photographing hardcore shows in general.
Could you please tell us something about the Untitled project and how did it come about? What do you hope this book achieves?
Roman Laris: [un]titled european hardcore/punk photographers is a book of 6 diy photographers who are sharing same passion for hardcore photography. The idea came from me a year ago after I released my first paper photo book Black Sheep. I know Jan, Patrycja and Sheep from London hardcore shows, Marian is a friend of my Slovakian friends and Monika is a friend of Patrycja, and I know all of them are talking wicked pictures so I asked them if they would be happy to work together in one project, completely DIY it means that the book is paid by us, put together by us and its gonna be promoted and sell by us. There are no other parties involved apart of Shaun Ponton who helped us to designed the book and Adam Bobro who arranged the printing and professional advise.I dont know what I want to achieve? Probably self promotion, promoting DIY ideas and letting people know that they dont need to have big names and labels behind them to achieve something. I love to keep things in my own hands and I love sharing it with others and I believe that whatever you do, you should share it with others, thats the only way to progress and go forward. On the end of the day I hope more young and diy amateur photographers will be inspired and start releasing their work or start to cooperate and talk.

Could you tell us who is involved in the making of the book and how do you think their style of photography differs? What type of themes should we expect from the book – is it focusing on gigs and bands pictures or did you also tried to portray other areas of the scene?
Roman Laris: You have to buy the book and see on your own eyes how different we are. Some of us are using digital cameras some of us analog, some of us are focusing on sing alongs, potraits or moshing parts, some on details or emotions...its all there and I love it! We are all different persons with different techniques of shooting. Jan is more into analog and old fashion cameras, Patrycja and Monika are more rockumentary orientated in this book, Sheep is a crazy man, in a good meaning of that word, and his photos are full of energy and driving force, Marian likes using fisheye lense capturing the sing alongs, and I love capturing energy of the gig, faces and emotions. This book is going to have it all under one roof! Promise!
Patrycja Gagan: Each of us have created a space for a so called short-photo-project, which I believe, defines individual style and presents the field of ones interests. “The scene” is a complex theme, so is capturing it. Therefore, [un]titled presents not only live shoots but everything which emerges from it. Each photographer’s section differs though. Roman Laris photography is all about being a part of the entire experience and his images are emotion orientated. I’ve seen him moshing and shooting at the same time, believe me. Monika’s section is a photodocumentary material presenting a Polish band called The Black Tapes. You’ll find images from shows, studio and backstage in her section. Marian Magdolen is a fish-eye-action man capturing gigs in, let me use this term here, “modern live shooting”. Sheep. When it comes to Sheep I’d love to mention that he’s been working on his individual photobook and I said to him “Look man, save your work for the book and try to came up with a short-photo-project which you could do for [un]titled without borrowing images from your main project”. We sat down in his room, started to browse images and I’ve noticed that he has got a massive collection of moshing people’s portraits. And I went like: “This is it”. Let’s look at it from the opposite perspective. Shows are not only what we see but also what bands see, how the crowd responds to their music and how the energy transforms. I’m calling Sheep’s section “Faces Of Mosh” and you better check it out, maybe you’ll find yourself on one of those images. My section is a tribute to a band called Sunrise. I’ve always wanted to give them something back since they gave so much to me. I own tons of Sunrise photos from shows, tours, studios, practice room, promo shoots, hang-outs etc. I have never managed to compile it into a separate project and I thought that [un]titled gives me enough space to finally present Sunrise’ images and let them know they were my family. Jan Urant is a photographic dino working with analogue cameras, which I adore in photographic context. He created a portrait vs. live shoot project with Down To Nothing and Have Heart in my opinion being his highlights. Jan is the last photographer, closing [un]titled with the sublime Dead Swans image, which I personally consider as the strongest hc photo of this decade.
What was the key to choose the right pics which would make it to the book?
Roman Laris: I can only talk for myself, because I have choosen mine and everybody else theirs. I did not have any key, I was simply selecting pictures I thought will represent my style and work. Because all of us are paying equal share of the book, we have chosen our own pictures, its our work and nobody else should not be telling us what to put in or not, thats the way we wanted it - total freedom of expression.
For the kids out there interested to know something more about being a hardcore photographer could you give a brief walk through your work flow?
What they should keep in mind when taking pics at the show?
Roman Laris: See the term hardcore photographer is not really for me, because I am always saying I am not a photographer, I dont know shit about photography, I just set it up on the spot and then focus on shooting the right angles and scenes. Maybe its all about luck and timing, being on the right place in the right time. An a good show is a good show, if the bands and crowd is shit you probably would not capture the right energy and you will have only boring faces and bands in it...I love bands who are acting crazy, driving people nuts, where people are "losing control", but still care for each other.You have to keep in mind moshing kids, cause you dont want your camera to be fucked up by some asshole who lost it completely. Hey kids, watch for shooters and take care of each other on the shows! Dont act like wild monkies, you can mosh and still have fun not hurting others!
Patrycja Gagan: We all have different backgrounds and different approaches to photography. Jan is studying photography at the London College of Communication, Monika studied photography in Poland and recently she came back to an art school again. Sheep studied at London College of Communication but drop it off at some stage. I'm studying portrait photography at Central Saint Martins in London. Roman and Marian are just extremely talented shooters. So, through such a reference you can easily tell [un]titled is multidimensional. In my experience of capturing live shows, I have come to realize how important it is for all, bands as well as the crowd, to be correctly attuned. Good image (when based on photographic skills) will be, therefore, the spark that emerged from such a collective experience. Personally, I love to think about photography as a process. So, it’s not only the moment you're trying to capture but also what is before and after. Before refers to photographer’s equipment and how he/she would select format of camera, lens, ISO sensitivity, camera settings to suit particular situation and by “after” I mean the whole process of editing and developing.In general, during a session, how many pics would you say you take to find the right one?
Roman Laris: I normaly take 20 to 30 pictures for a bands set like a one film for a band, not usually more, depends on a band and their show. If there is nothing to shoot I usually take only portraits of the band members during the set. From a show I normally get from 5 to 10 worth shoots I am happy about.
What do you feel is the most challenging thing about photographing hardcore shows?
Roman Laris: Shitty color light effects fucking the white balance and stupid moshers who dont care for anybody else in the pit apart of themself.
Patrycja Gagan: Haha I love Roman’s answer to this question, especially that he’s shooter-mosher himself. I only want to mention that the hardest thing for me is compromising between being a show’s participant and show’s photographer. I’ve always found those two extremely hard to combine. Of course one can sing along and shoot at the same time, I saw that more than once and sometimes I’m doing this myself, but the question of someone's skills versus fortune is unavoidable in such situations. Hc/punk shows were and are a collective experience for me so being selective, or at least trying to be, is quite challenging.
Is there any band you would love to photograph but never had a chance to?
Roman Laris: There are bands from my hometown Bratislava or bands from Slovakia especially bands from the mid 90s, the era when I became part of our hard core scene and the energy of the mid and late 90s hard core in Slovakia were not captured properly. I was too young and broken not having enough money to buy camera, and even I had the money I was always in the pit going nuts hehe.
Patrycja Gagan: Swedish hc scene 1992-1995 era. Sunny Day Real Estate (notthat hardcore tho).
So when the book should be available for orders?
Roman Laris: If everything goes as it should, we are going to print it in mid November and I believe in the begining of December you can buy the book through us.The book is limited to 500 copies divided between 6 of us which give us around 80 books each. People from Poland can order it via Monika or Patrycja, folks from UK can deal with Sheep, Jan and me and folks from Austria or Slovakia can ask Marian. I belive all of us can send and sell the copies via paypal worldwide. Just drop and get in touch with us, some distributions and small diy distros will be selling it too, but at the moment I cant tell you more. Check our myspace for more coming details.
Thank you for your time. Is there anything you would like to add?
Roman Laris: Thank you for your interest and help to promote our book. Its great people are starting talking about it and getting inspired by our work! Stay true!Check out the myspace myspace.com/untitledhardcorebook of [un]titled.
Check out also:
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Volajme ho Byco. Chalan z petrzalskeho sidliska. Dobry chalanisko. Jeden z ludi, ktory ho priviedli do podzemnej sceny. Do sceny, kde vsetky tie deti ulice, ktore boli nespokojne so spolocnostou boli ako bratia a sestry. Euforia sudrznosti a porozumenia. Kde kazdy kazdeho spoznal, mal rad a podrzal ked bolo treba. Devatdesiate roky v tomto meste boli jeho erou. Erou, kedy vyrastal a formoval svoje idealy. Byco bol jeho kamos. Nebol vysoky ani nizky. Nosil okuliare a bol gulicka. Mal dlhe mastne vlasy a pocuval metal a hardcore.Dodnes si pamata jeho vlasy. Vtedy nosili vsetci dlhe vlasy. Dlhe mastne vlasy a flanelove kosele. Jeho vlasy boli jemne, rovne a mastne. Stale mal usmev na tvari a robil nejake sprostosti. Jednou z nich bolo aj to , ze ho furt nutil zapalit si cigaretu.
Ach jo ! Cigarety. Cim to je, ze sa mlady clovek uci od dospelych len tie zle veci ? Dieta rastie a uci sa denno denne nove veci. Uci sa rozpravat, uci sa spolunazivat, ale ked pride do stadia dospievania zacina odkukavat len tie spinavosti. Ti proti ktorym ide a rebeluje ho nicia vlastnymi zbranami. Cigarety ! Alkohol ! Drogy ! Hovoria im, ze su skazena mladez , ale od koho sa to naucili ? U koho to vidia ? Komu slohnu prvu cigaretu ? Kamosovi ? Asi nie ! Rodicom ! Pribuznym. Je to jedna z veci, ktore nepochopi a asi nikdy ani nebude moct. Je to jedna z tych otazok bez odpovede. Len pride a odide v tichosti.
Bolo im sestnast/sedemnast a spoznavali svet taky aky naozaj bol. Kruty, drsny, nespravodlivi, kde zlo vyhrava nad dobrom. Presne opak toho co ich odmalicka ucili a pchali im do hlavy. Realita ich zastihla a dala riadne facky po tvari.Ale co mohli robit ? Co sa s tym dalo spravit ? Nic ! Absolutne nic ! Jedina vec, ktoru si mal istu boli tvoji kamarati a mozno rodina, ktora ta aj tak nechapala, pretoze si vyrastol a stal si sa inym. Stal si sa osobnostou. Vyvrhelom, ktory pohrda vsetkym a vsetkymi. Taka je jeho realita.
Byco mal vzdy skloni robit nieco nove. Jazdit na motorke bez vodicskeho preukazu. Hrat na bicie. Mat vlastnu kapelu. Extremne sporty a hladat vytuzenu lasku ! Jedneho dna sa jeho nova particka rozhodla pre street running. Viete, ked bezite cez mesto a skacete cez kochliky, snazite sa o nejake triky, ktorymi ocarite spolu- bezcov popripade okoloiducich. Dnes sa tomu hovori yamakasi, ale vtedy v 90tych rokoch to nikto nijako nevolal. Proste sa bezalo a skakalo a vyvadzalo.
Byco bol akurat v rozbehu, preskakoval velky kochlik, ked nedopatrenim zle doslapol a zlomil si nohu na tri casti. Jeho lytkova kost vyskocila von. Vsade vela krvy. Kost vonku. Hnusny pohlad.Skoncil v nemocnici a pocas troch rokov mal kosti pospajane titanovymi srobami. Byco bol prvy clovek v mojom zivote, na ktoreho bola radost pozerat, ked chodil cez detektori kovov na letisku.To su ceny, ktore v mladosti platime ! Otazkou ostava ci toho lutujeme, alebo nie?
Ach jo ! Cigarety. Cim to je, ze sa mlady clovek uci od dospelych len tie zle veci ? Dieta rastie a uci sa denno denne nove veci. Uci sa rozpravat, uci sa spolunazivat, ale ked pride do stadia dospievania zacina odkukavat len tie spinavosti. Ti proti ktorym ide a rebeluje ho nicia vlastnymi zbranami. Cigarety ! Alkohol ! Drogy ! Hovoria im, ze su skazena mladez , ale od koho sa to naucili ? U koho to vidia ? Komu slohnu prvu cigaretu ? Kamosovi ? Asi nie ! Rodicom ! Pribuznym. Je to jedna z veci, ktore nepochopi a asi nikdy ani nebude moct. Je to jedna z tych otazok bez odpovede. Len pride a odide v tichosti.
Bolo im sestnast/sedemnast a spoznavali svet taky aky naozaj bol. Kruty, drsny, nespravodlivi, kde zlo vyhrava nad dobrom. Presne opak toho co ich odmalicka ucili a pchali im do hlavy. Realita ich zastihla a dala riadne facky po tvari.Ale co mohli robit ? Co sa s tym dalo spravit ? Nic ! Absolutne nic ! Jedina vec, ktoru si mal istu boli tvoji kamarati a mozno rodina, ktora ta aj tak nechapala, pretoze si vyrastol a stal si sa inym. Stal si sa osobnostou. Vyvrhelom, ktory pohrda vsetkym a vsetkymi. Taka je jeho realita.
Byco mal vzdy skloni robit nieco nove. Jazdit na motorke bez vodicskeho preukazu. Hrat na bicie. Mat vlastnu kapelu. Extremne sporty a hladat vytuzenu lasku ! Jedneho dna sa jeho nova particka rozhodla pre street running. Viete, ked bezite cez mesto a skacete cez kochliky, snazite sa o nejake triky, ktorymi ocarite spolu- bezcov popripade okoloiducich. Dnes sa tomu hovori yamakasi, ale vtedy v 90tych rokoch to nikto nijako nevolal. Proste sa bezalo a skakalo a vyvadzalo.
Byco bol akurat v rozbehu, preskakoval velky kochlik, ked nedopatrenim zle doslapol a zlomil si nohu na tri casti. Jeho lytkova kost vyskocila von. Vsade vela krvy. Kost vonku. Hnusny pohlad.Skoncil v nemocnici a pocas troch rokov mal kosti pospajane titanovymi srobami. Byco bol prvy clovek v mojom zivote, na ktoreho bola radost pozerat, ked chodil cez detektori kovov na letisku.To su ceny, ktore v mladosti platime ! Otazkou ostava ci toho lutujeme, alebo nie?
Je sobotny podvecer. Mali spunt lezi na dlazke medzi chodbou a obyvackou . Lezi a pozoruje svojich rodicov. Pozoruje jeho otca a mamu ako pozeraju televizne noviny. V byte je pozhasinane. Obyvacka je osvetlena svetlom televizora a malej osarpanej lampy.Nevnima komentare dospelich, len lezi a hra sa so svojimi prstami. Obzera si ich v pritmi televizneho svetla a o niecom premysla. Nie je mu viac ako sest. Mozno sedem, ale viac urcite nie. Chlapec lezi nohami na studenej dlazke a telom v teple obyvackoveho koberca. Schuli sa do klbka a z oci mu vytresknu slzy. Nie je to ziaden hystericky plac, ale tichy, nikym netuseny plac maleho dietata.Rozmyslal o smrti. Rozmyslal o tom, co bude po tom, ked umrie. Ked jeho telo bude pochovane dva metre pod zemou a on bude stale na zive. Lezi v truhle vo velkej tme. Vsade okolo nic len tma. Predstavuje si, ze otvara oci. Tma. Cierno cierna tma.Vidi svojich rodicov. Vidi svoje sestry. Vidi priatelov pobehujucich po travniku naha- najuc loptu. Vidi ich vsetkych pred svojimi ocami, ale on je mrtvy. Nikto ho nevidi. Vidi ako zivot ide bez neho. Nemoze byt pritomny. Tak strasne chce zit. Nechce umriet. Chce byt so svojou rodinou a priatelmi.Preco ma tieto pocity ? Preco ho musi trapit smrt ? Je prilis mlady na to, aby myslel na smrt !Jednoducho tam nie je. Nechape sled udalosti. Nechape a jedine co to v nom evokuje su slzy. Slzy stekajuce po jeho nevinnej deckej tvari nechapajuc smrt. Smrt ako sucast jeho zivota a slzy ako katalyzator jeho trapeni. Nikomu to nikdy nepovedal. Nikto nikdy nezistil pricinu jeho slz. Nechal si to pre seba. Zobere si to do hrobu. Su to jeho pocity a jeho osobny zial.
Ked mas sestnast chces vsetko vyskusat. Mas pocit, ze ti nieco utecie, ked to rychlo nespravis a nevyskusas. Skusas naozaj vsetko. Vsetko co je zakazane. Nikdy som to nechapal.Mal holku, ktora bola od neho o rok ci dva mladsia. Nadherne dievca a asi o pol hlavu od neho vyssia. Ked si dala topanky na opatku, robil rozdiel aj celu hlavu. Jemu to neprekazalo, pretoze to bola jeho prva velka laska. Vlastne jeho prva laska v case dospievania.Vsetci mu ju zavideli. Pren ho to bola Pamela, zena Jimma Morrisona. Dlhe svetlo hnede vlasy, kozicky akurat do rucicky a sialene nadherne oci. "Kto by si neprial taku kost ?"-hovori si popod fuzy s perom v ruke a carbajuc na kus papiera obrysi cohosi cudesneho.Prva laska a prve dotyky so sexom. Ked mas sestnast, su veci, na ktore nedavas pozor a su veci, ktore chces robit, ale nedaju sa, pretoze nemas ich kde robit, ze ano ?Chodis hodiny po meste a hladas vsetky mozne zakutia, kde by ta ludia nevideli. Kde by si mohol byt len ty a ona. Objat sa a oddat sa slastiam, ktore poskytuje vzajomne drazdenie.Vzdy ked na to pride, nemas kde a preto vymyslal rozne kombinacie. Hladas ludi, ktory robia doma party, pretoze rodicia odisli na chatu. Slubis im , ze nebudes robit party a ze sa budes ucit..."Jasneeee !"-vyskocil mu usmev na tvari. "Vsak to vsetci moc dobre poznaju !"Ak sa naskytne prilezitost, ides do toho, co na tom, ze toho cloveka ani nepoznas ? Ides, pretoze chces sukromie a poriadne si to uzit !Party a vecierky neboli prilis jeho parketa, pretoze to vzdy fungovalo len na kratku dobu.
Je v najlepsom, bozkava jej prsia a snazi sa jej rozopnut podprsenku, ked mu v tom pribehne Byco do izby a zacne sa na nom ujebavat ! "Takto to predsa nejde ?"-mysli si.Potrebuje to mat klud, cas a prilezitost.
Po niekolkych zmarnenych pokusoch prisiel den D ! Najvacsi kazisvet jeho lubostnych radovanok Byco pristupil blizsie k jeho uchu a potichucky posepkal: "Fotrovci odchadzaju na vikend prec za babkou, musim ist s nimi, ale mozem Vam nechat kluce ! Beries to? ""Ze vahas, vole ! Dik !" - s nesmiernym usmevom na tvari mu vybehlo z ust.
Den D je tu. Hodiny stravene v kupelny. Tajne kupena ziletka na oholenie prirodzenia a buduceho nastroja lasky. Otcov hrozny komunisticky parfem, kluce od bycovho bytu vo vrecku. "Je den D kamosko tak si daj zalezat !"-veta, ktora mu znela po cely cas v hlave. Uz ho cakala. Usmev na tvari a tie hviezdicky v ociach sa nedali nevsimnut. Ta musela byt vlhka uz od chvile, kedy sa dozvedela, ze bude nieco po com tak tuzila. A nie len ona. Myslim, ze mu dalo vela prace, aby zamaskoval to vzrusenie v gatiach. Vzdy treba zobrat tie najmensie spodare, ktore dokazu penis poriadne pritlacit k telu. Pravidlo cislo jedna pri rande. Pravidlo, ktorym sa riadil a nikdy nesklamalo.
Je pekne teplo. Jeden z tych neprijemne horucich letnych dni. Ide Vas roztrhnut a potite sa ako dive svine. Snazi sa moc nespotit, aby jej nesmrdel. Otvaraju byt. Je prazdny."Pan Boh zaplat !"-spokojne komentuje."Hmmm, maju to tu pekne ?! Kam pojdeme ? Rodicovska postel, alebo bycova postel ?"- prebehla byt rychlim ockom a nedockavo sa opytala.Trosku mu to vyrazilo dych. Triasli sa mu kolena a bol nervozny ako nikdy predtym."Myslim, ze zoberiem radsej tu jeho izbu !"-riekol."Aj ja som si myslela, bude to asi lepsie!"Priniesla pohar vody a posadila sa na okraj postele.Ich pery sa o par sekund stretli vo vasnivom bozku. Tela spojili a pot stekal ich horucimi telami. Boli to nepredstavitelne chvile ich zivota.Prvykrat v naruci vytuzenej osoby. Prvykrat pocitit chut dospelosti. Vychutnat si trinastu komnatu so vsetkym co k nej patri.
Odchadzaju s usmevom na tvari. Spomienka na cely zivot. Nie kazdemu sa podari mat peknu spomienku na prve milovanie. Bolo to zapricinene laskou ? Tuzbou ? Nehou ? Tajomstvom ?
V zivote tinejdzera sa vyskytuje neurekom veselych historiek. On nie je dobry rozpravas historiek, pretoze ich nevie vyrozpravat tak aby zaujali, ale to mu vobec neprekaza. Nepotrebuje mat publikum, aby pocuvalo jeho taraniny. Tuzi, aby bol vypocuty, ale ruky si pre to neodtrhne.
Je v najlepsom, bozkava jej prsia a snazi sa jej rozopnut podprsenku, ked mu v tom pribehne Byco do izby a zacne sa na nom ujebavat ! "Takto to predsa nejde ?"-mysli si.Potrebuje to mat klud, cas a prilezitost.
Po niekolkych zmarnenych pokusoch prisiel den D ! Najvacsi kazisvet jeho lubostnych radovanok Byco pristupil blizsie k jeho uchu a potichucky posepkal: "Fotrovci odchadzaju na vikend prec za babkou, musim ist s nimi, ale mozem Vam nechat kluce ! Beries to? ""Ze vahas, vole ! Dik !" - s nesmiernym usmevom na tvari mu vybehlo z ust.
Den D je tu. Hodiny stravene v kupelny. Tajne kupena ziletka na oholenie prirodzenia a buduceho nastroja lasky. Otcov hrozny komunisticky parfem, kluce od bycovho bytu vo vrecku. "Je den D kamosko tak si daj zalezat !"-veta, ktora mu znela po cely cas v hlave. Uz ho cakala. Usmev na tvari a tie hviezdicky v ociach sa nedali nevsimnut. Ta musela byt vlhka uz od chvile, kedy sa dozvedela, ze bude nieco po com tak tuzila. A nie len ona. Myslim, ze mu dalo vela prace, aby zamaskoval to vzrusenie v gatiach. Vzdy treba zobrat tie najmensie spodare, ktore dokazu penis poriadne pritlacit k telu. Pravidlo cislo jedna pri rande. Pravidlo, ktorym sa riadil a nikdy nesklamalo.
Je pekne teplo. Jeden z tych neprijemne horucich letnych dni. Ide Vas roztrhnut a potite sa ako dive svine. Snazi sa moc nespotit, aby jej nesmrdel. Otvaraju byt. Je prazdny."Pan Boh zaplat !"-spokojne komentuje."Hmmm, maju to tu pekne ?! Kam pojdeme ? Rodicovska postel, alebo bycova postel ?"- prebehla byt rychlim ockom a nedockavo sa opytala.Trosku mu to vyrazilo dych. Triasli sa mu kolena a bol nervozny ako nikdy predtym."Myslim, ze zoberiem radsej tu jeho izbu !"-riekol."Aj ja som si myslela, bude to asi lepsie!"Priniesla pohar vody a posadila sa na okraj postele.Ich pery sa o par sekund stretli vo vasnivom bozku. Tela spojili a pot stekal ich horucimi telami. Boli to nepredstavitelne chvile ich zivota.Prvykrat v naruci vytuzenej osoby. Prvykrat pocitit chut dospelosti. Vychutnat si trinastu komnatu so vsetkym co k nej patri.
Odchadzaju s usmevom na tvari. Spomienka na cely zivot. Nie kazdemu sa podari mat peknu spomienku na prve milovanie. Bolo to zapricinene laskou ? Tuzbou ? Nehou ? Tajomstvom ?
V zivote tinejdzera sa vyskytuje neurekom veselych historiek. On nie je dobry rozpravas historiek, pretoze ich nevie vyrozpravat tak aby zaujali, ale to mu vobec neprekaza. Nepotrebuje mat publikum, aby pocuvalo jeho taraniny. Tuzi, aby bol vypocuty, ale ruky si pre to neodtrhne.
Detske spomienky

Spomenul si na prihodku, kedy ako dieta sa bol kupat s rodinkou na jazere. Splachtat sa vo vode po kolena. Pozerat sa na plavajuce rybky.
Hra sa vo vode a vidi ako chlapci opodial skacu sipky. Zaujato pozera. Svet okolo prestava existovat. Celu svoju decku pozornost obracia na tych dospelakov ako nadherne skacu do hlbokej vody.
Fuuuuk bezi jeden. Fuuuuk bezi druhy.
Vsetci tak nadherne miznu pod hladinou jazera.
Nabera odvahu. Vyjde z jazera na strk. Rozhiadne sa okolo seba. Pozera striedavo na rozbehovu drahu a do vody. Sustredi sa. Jeho mysel je ponorena hlboko pod hladinou jazera. Citi tu silu v sebe, ze to musi urobit.On to dokaze. Skoci sipku do vody.
Rozbeh... citi prve kvapky vody a buuuummm !
Hlavou pristava v strku. Je vo vode po clenky. Hlava do polky v strku a nohy sa pomalicky prekoprcavaju. Dopadaju do vody. Pretocil sa o 180 stupnov. Z hlavy mierne krvaca.
Je toto jeho prva spomienka na sklamanie ? Prvy zapis v jeho nekonecnej knihe spomienok ?!
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Ruction records show pictures
Saturday, 2 January 2010
hardcore punk photobook

Limited edition to 500 copies, there are probably just 50-60 left, mostly at www.samuelrecords.net or write me, I have 15 left, its £5 + postage!
J:Mozem nam predstavit Wisdom in chains? Kratku historiu kapely a ako ste sa dali dokopy?
R: Wisdom je ja – Richie, hram na gitaru, Evan dalsi gitarista, Shano hra na bicie, Big na basu a Sialeny Joe spieva. Sme len kopka kamosov, ktory sa dali dokopy par rokov dozadu.
Wisdom vznikli niekedy okolo roku 2000 s clenmi z USA a Europi. Maarten, gitarista z Holandska hral pred tym v kapele Daredevil raz zavolal Richiemu a Sialenemu Joe-mu, ktori spolu hrali v kapele Krutch. Maarten mal napad zalozit old school kapelu s punkovym a Oi odkazom. Dali sa vsetci dokopy, ked boli Krutch na turne v Europe. Slovo dalo slovo a zrazu sa Maarten objavil v Amerike a nahral s nami zopar veci. Vydali sme cdcko na Gangstyle records a odohrali len jeden koncert spolu, kvoli vzdialenosti, ktora nas rozdelovala. V podstate to bol Maarten, ktory skladal vsetky songy a tak nam nakoniec povedal, aby sme si zohnali lokalnych ludi do kapely a robili ju dalej bez neho.
Tak prisliel Tony Meltdown do kapely. Tony hral predtym v kapele Ninth Plague. Neskorsie sa pripojil bubenik Shannon Sparky, ktory hral s chalanmi v kapele Out to win aka Mushmouth. Na basu nam zaskocil miestny alkoholik a troublemaker Big Show Greg.
Vyrazili sme do ulic a klubov s nasim street rockom so silnym old school hard core odkazom. Po dvoch albumoch sa line up poupravil na dnesnu zostavu.
J: Opisal si svoju kapelu ako old school kapelu s punkovym a Oi odkazom. Ako dolezity je po tom pre vas working class odkaz a pochadzate vsetci z pracujucej triedy?
R: To presne hrame old school s punkovym a Oi odkazom, ale dolezite je aj spomenut metal a rock n roll. Working class odkaz je pre nas velmi dolezity a vsetci pochadzame z robotnickych rodin.
J: Working class odkaz je pre Vas odkaz za boj za prava pracujucich, alebo sa pohybujete v inych vodach? Pytam sa, pretoze po pravde povedane v Europe tvoria hard core scenu predovsetkym decka zo strednej vrstvy, ktore zvacsa este ani nezazili pracu na vlastnej kozi.
R: Joe a ja sme obaja v odboroch a platime si clenske, boj za prava pracujucich este nie je na konci a je vela veci, ktore potrebuju napravu. Vlady na celom svete maju svoje sposoby ako uspokojit ludi svojej krajiny a robia to svojskym sposobom, ktore nie vzdy vyhovuju urcitej vrstve. V scene je vela mladych ludi, a aj ked na vlastnej kozi nezacitili tazku kazdodennu pracu, raz ju pocitia a my ich svojim sposobom oboznamujeme o nasom svete o realite kazdodenneho zivota.
R: Wisdom je ja – Richie, hram na gitaru, Evan dalsi gitarista, Shano hra na bicie, Big na basu a Sialeny Joe spieva. Sme len kopka kamosov, ktory sa dali dokopy par rokov dozadu.
Wisdom vznikli niekedy okolo roku 2000 s clenmi z USA a Europi. Maarten, gitarista z Holandska hral pred tym v kapele Daredevil raz zavolal Richiemu a Sialenemu Joe-mu, ktori spolu hrali v kapele Krutch. Maarten mal napad zalozit old school kapelu s punkovym a Oi odkazom. Dali sa vsetci dokopy, ked boli Krutch na turne v Europe. Slovo dalo slovo a zrazu sa Maarten objavil v Amerike a nahral s nami zopar veci. Vydali sme cdcko na Gangstyle records a odohrali len jeden koncert spolu, kvoli vzdialenosti, ktora nas rozdelovala. V podstate to bol Maarten, ktory skladal vsetky songy a tak nam nakoniec povedal, aby sme si zohnali lokalnych ludi do kapely a robili ju dalej bez neho.
Tak prisliel Tony Meltdown do kapely. Tony hral predtym v kapele Ninth Plague. Neskorsie sa pripojil bubenik Shannon Sparky, ktory hral s chalanmi v kapele Out to win aka Mushmouth. Na basu nam zaskocil miestny alkoholik a troublemaker Big Show Greg.
Vyrazili sme do ulic a klubov s nasim street rockom so silnym old school hard core odkazom. Po dvoch albumoch sa line up poupravil na dnesnu zostavu.
J: Opisal si svoju kapelu ako old school kapelu s punkovym a Oi odkazom. Ako dolezity je po tom pre vas working class odkaz a pochadzate vsetci z pracujucej triedy?
R: To presne hrame old school s punkovym a Oi odkazom, ale dolezite je aj spomenut metal a rock n roll. Working class odkaz je pre nas velmi dolezity a vsetci pochadzame z robotnickych rodin.
J: Working class odkaz je pre Vas odkaz za boj za prava pracujucich, alebo sa pohybujete v inych vodach? Pytam sa, pretoze po pravde povedane v Europe tvoria hard core scenu predovsetkym decka zo strednej vrstvy, ktore zvacsa este ani nezazili pracu na vlastnej kozi.
R: Joe a ja sme obaja v odboroch a platime si clenske, boj za prava pracujucich este nie je na konci a je vela veci, ktore potrebuju napravu. Vlady na celom svete maju svoje sposoby ako uspokojit ludi svojej krajiny a robia to svojskym sposobom, ktore nie vzdy vyhovuju urcitej vrstve. V scene je vela mladych ludi, a aj ked na vlastnej kozi nezacitili tazku kazdodennu pracu, raz ju pocitia a my ich svojim sposobom oboznamujeme o nasom svete o realite kazdodenneho zivota.
/ukazka z pripravovaneho rozhovoru/
:::::::::::::::::::::english preview::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Can you introduce WIC? Where are you coming from? Short history and how did you get together.
Wisdom is I Richie on Guitar, Evan on guitar, Shano on drums, Big on bass, and Mad Joe sings. We are just all friends, and we got together a few years back.
Wisdom In Chains was started a few years back with members from America and Europe. Maarten, a guitar player from Holland in a band called Daredevil made the call to Richie and Mad Joe who where in Krutch at the time. Maarten had the idea to start an old school band, with heavy punk and OI influences. The three met while Krutch was on tour in Europe. The plans where made and Maarten came to the USA to record. The group released a self entitled CD on Gangstyle Records. Only one show was ever performed by the group due to the extreme distance between the members. Eventually Maarten who was a key writer in the band would convince Richie and Joe to find local members and keep this band going. So they recruited local guitar star and just crazy motherfucker in general Tony Meltdown. Tony was in a band called The Ninth Plague and basically shreds on the guitar. Shannon Sparky was brought in on drums, he was a logical choice. Shannon also played with Richie and Mad Joe in another band called Out to win (aka MUSHMOUTH). The search was on for the bass player, and the only guy that could jam with these cats was Big Show Greg, a local trouble maker and drunk. The new line-up was complete and now the band is hitting the highways and playing killer street rock with heavy old school HC and OI influence. After two well received releases with this line-up Meltdown would eventually leave the band, filling his shoes is none other then Evan Feeble. Evan a long time friend and also guitar player from Feeble (Mad Joes first band) joins the group just in time for their long awaited I-Scream records release The question on the streets is "Can they top their previous efforts?" the answer "HELL YEA" their new album "Everything You Know..." will be full of surprises.
Wisdom In Chains was started a few years back with members from America and Europe. Maarten, a guitar player from Holland in a band called Daredevil made the call to Richie and Mad Joe who where in Krutch at the time. Maarten had the idea to start an old school band, with heavy punk and OI influences. The three met while Krutch was on tour in Europe. The plans where made and Maarten came to the USA to record. The group released a self entitled CD on Gangstyle Records. Only one show was ever performed by the group due to the extreme distance between the members. Eventually Maarten who was a key writer in the band would convince Richie and Joe to find local members and keep this band going. So they recruited local guitar star and just crazy motherfucker in general Tony Meltdown. Tony was in a band called The Ninth Plague and basically shreds on the guitar. Shannon Sparky was brought in on drums, he was a logical choice. Shannon also played with Richie and Mad Joe in another band called Out to win (aka MUSHMOUTH). The search was on for the bass player, and the only guy that could jam with these cats was Big Show Greg, a local trouble maker and drunk. The new line-up was complete and now the band is hitting the highways and playing killer street rock with heavy old school HC and OI influence. After two well received releases with this line-up Meltdown would eventually leave the band, filling his shoes is none other then Evan Feeble. Evan a long time friend and also guitar player from Feeble (Mad Joes first band) joins the group just in time for their long awaited I-Scream records release The question on the streets is "Can they top their previous efforts?" the answer "HELL YEA" their new album "Everything You Know..." will be full of surprises.
You describe your band as an old school hard core with punk and Oi influence. How important is for you the working class message and are you all coming from working class background? Yes that sounds like a good description, but you can’t leave out metal and rock and roll, those sounds influence us a lot as well. The working class message is very important to us, and we all come from that kind of background.Is the working class message more about fighting for your rights in what ever area or fighting for working conditions or are you taking it to different fields? I am asking, because within the Europe the kids are mostly coming from middle classes and be honest most of the kids are too young to experience work on their own skin.Well Joe and I are both Union workers, we joined the Union and we pay our dues, the fight for our rights is not nearly over, but so many are content with the way things are, and that’s not good. The Governments from around the world have ways to make people feel satisfied, and it really works. In the scene there are so many very young people, and yes they may have not experienced the daily grind of that working lifestyle, but they will, and we will give them little hints through our music as to what it’s all about.
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