Saturday, 2 January 2010


English text is following Slovakian:
J:Mozem nam predstavit Wisdom in chains? Kratku historiu kapely a ako ste sa dali dokopy?
R: Wisdom je ja – Richie, hram na gitaru, Evan dalsi gitarista, Shano hra na bicie, Big na basu a Sialeny Joe spieva. Sme len kopka kamosov, ktory sa dali dokopy par rokov dozadu.

Wisdom vznikli niekedy okolo roku 2000 s clenmi z USA a Europi. Maarten, gitarista z Holandska hral pred tym v kapele Daredevil raz zavolal Richiemu a Sialenemu Joe-mu, ktori spolu hrali v kapele Krutch. Maarten mal napad zalozit old school kapelu s punkovym a Oi odkazom. Dali sa vsetci dokopy, ked boli Krutch na turne v Europe. Slovo dalo slovo a zrazu sa Maarten objavil v Amerike a nahral s nami zopar veci. Vydali sme cdcko na Gangstyle records a odohrali len jeden koncert spolu, kvoli vzdialenosti, ktora nas rozdelovala. V podstate to bol Maarten, ktory skladal vsetky songy a tak nam nakoniec povedal, aby sme si zohnali lokalnych ludi do kapely a robili ju dalej bez neho.
Tak prisliel Tony Meltdown do kapely. Tony hral predtym v kapele Ninth Plague. Neskorsie sa pripojil bubenik Shannon Sparky, ktory hral s chalanmi v kapele Out to win aka Mushmouth. Na basu nam zaskocil miestny alkoholik a troublemaker Big Show Greg.
Vyrazili sme do ulic a klubov s nasim street rockom so silnym old school hard core odkazom. Po dvoch albumoch sa line up poupravil na dnesnu zostavu.

J: Opisal si svoju kapelu ako old school kapelu s punkovym a Oi odkazom. Ako dolezity je po tom pre vas working class odkaz a pochadzate vsetci z pracujucej triedy?
R: To presne hrame old school s punkovym a Oi odkazom, ale dolezite je aj spomenut metal a rock n roll. Working class odkaz je pre nas velmi dolezity a vsetci pochadzame z robotnickych rodin.

J: Working class odkaz je pre Vas odkaz za boj za prava pracujucich, alebo sa pohybujete v inych vodach? Pytam sa, pretoze po pravde povedane v Europe tvoria hard core scenu predovsetkym decka zo strednej vrstvy, ktore zvacsa este ani nezazili pracu na vlastnej kozi.
R: Joe a ja sme obaja v odboroch a platime si clenske, boj za prava pracujucich este nie je na konci a je vela veci, ktore potrebuju napravu. Vlady na celom svete maju svoje sposoby ako uspokojit ludi svojej krajiny a robia to svojskym sposobom, ktore nie vzdy vyhovuju urcitej vrstve. V scene je vela mladych ludi, a aj ked na vlastnej kozi nezacitili tazku kazdodennu pracu, raz ju pocitia a my ich svojim sposobom oboznamujeme o nasom svete o realite kazdodenneho zivota.
/ukazka z pripravovaneho rozhovoru/
:::::::::::::::::::::english preview::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Can you introduce WIC? Where are you coming from? Short history and how did you get together.
Wisdom is I Richie on Guitar, Evan on guitar, Shano on drums, Big on bass, and Mad Joe sings. We are just all friends, and we got together a few years back.
Wisdom In Chains was started a few years back with members from America and Europe. Maarten, a guitar player from Holland in a band called Daredevil made the call to Richie and Mad Joe who where in Krutch at the time. Maarten had the idea to start an old school band, with heavy punk and OI influences. The three met while Krutch was on tour in Europe. The plans where made and Maarten came to the USA to record. The group released a self entitled CD on Gangstyle Records. Only one show was ever performed by the group due to the extreme distance between the members. Eventually Maarten who was a key writer in the band would convince Richie and Joe to find local members and keep this band going. So they recruited local guitar star and just crazy motherfucker in general Tony Meltdown. Tony was in a band called The Ninth Plague and basically shreds on the guitar. Shannon Sparky was brought in on drums, he was a logical choice. Shannon also played with Richie and Mad Joe in another band called Out to win (aka MUSHMOUTH). The search was on for the bass player, and the only guy that could jam with these cats was Big Show Greg, a local trouble maker and drunk. The new line-up was complete and now the band is hitting the highways and playing killer street rock with heavy old school HC and OI influence. After two well received releases with this line-up Meltdown would eventually leave the band, filling his shoes is none other then Evan Feeble. Evan a long time friend and also guitar player from Feeble (Mad Joes first band) joins the group just in time for their long awaited I-Scream records release The question on the streets is "Can they top their previous efforts?" the answer "HELL YEA" their new album "Everything You Know..." will be full of surprises.
You describe your band as an old school hard core with punk and Oi influence. How important is for you the working class message and are you all coming from working class background? Yes that sounds like a good description, but you can’t leave out metal and rock and roll, those sounds influence us a lot as well. The working class message is very important to us, and we all come from that kind of background.Is the working class message more about fighting for your rights in what ever area or fighting for working conditions or are you taking it to different fields? I am asking, because within the Europe the kids are mostly coming from middle classes and be honest most of the kids are too young to experience work on their own skin.Well Joe and I are both Union workers, we joined the Union and we pay our dues, the fight for our rights is not nearly over, but so many are content with the way things are, and that’s not good. The Governments from around the world have ways to make people feel satisfied, and it really works. In the scene there are so many very young people, and yes they may have not experienced the daily grind of that working lifestyle, but they will, and we will give them little hints through our music as to what it’s all about.

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